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                Quality & Certification
                • <h2>Quality is Life</h2><div class='content'><p>ISO 9001:2008 certified.</p><p> </p><p>Kalerm always commits to the process implementation of top quality standards and continuous improvement to satisfy requirements of all customers on the fully automatic coffee machines.</p></div>

                Eight Steps to Quality

                Kalerm follows the steps strictly to ensure every product reach customers’requirements without a hitch.

                1. sophisticated design from Italy
                2. highly focus on individual component
                3. elaborately selected suppliers
                4. thorough inspection of all supplies
                5. highly-trained and 
                professional workforce
                6. 100% reliable barcode tracking system for groups and machine
                7. stringent technical inspection on every single machine
                8. customer recommendation

                Quality Assurance

                Quality is life.

                Kalerm cares for the safety of consumers through strict inspections on products before they are placed to the market. It's crucial to arrange constant monitoring of the production process with MES system. Accordingly, our products are certified by CE, CB, GS, EMC, GOST, SA, KC,CQC, CCC, etc. Kalerm is positive in quality controls even for the machines on the market, in order to guarantee continued compliance with the standards.


                Superior Quality Service

                Kalerm’s products provide the customer with first-class quality from the very beginning; in production Kalerm works only with renowned companies. Thus Kalerm coffee machines are long-lasting and technically sophisticated. Servicing parts and every component are well designed and easy to use. The design and quality satisfy even the strictest regulations in China.

                The most important thing for customers: quality of service. At Kalerm this begins as early as the competent guidance given by the specialised dealer. Customer’s need has become one of Kalerm’s driving forces. All the researches and innovations are aiming to supply the right solution and the best service to the customers.

                Kalerm is close to the customer not only with ideas and products but also with excellent pre- and after- sales assistance. Professional commercial support, assistance and training plan, financial solutions and efficient spare parts service form the complete "package" integrated by Kalerm with the highest level of serious professionalization and reliability.